
2024.10.16 Gwangju Biennale, I liked it. and I dislike it. However I definitely got some refreshment and insight for sure.
2024.10.14 Got some money from government, figuring out what it really means.
2024.10.12 met a lovely couple who love drawing at Starbucks. 
2024.10.10 testing of ur faith produces patience which has its perfect work. I may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
2024.10.08 Before wake-up, an anthem of the previous elementary school came to my mind all of sudden, out of the blue. The lyrics looked patriotic and old-fashioned. Certainly we are living in a world that value nationalism.
2024.10.05 met a friend of mine, got refreshed thankfully with his encouraging.
2024.10.04 What is written comes true to me, arise, believe.
2024.10.02 on my left finger, there is a ring of Aragorn, a king by nature but a wandering man for a while. Who remembers his identity and act like it. His ring is on my finger.
2024.09.30 New quarter, new mind. believing all are under it.
2024.09.27 Dirty things happens all the time and we tent to completely bury someone in the wrong. But they and our condition are just a 0.1mm gap.
2024.09.26 Day by day just sincerely.
2024.09.25 Even if no one recognizes my works, it’ ok because this is an offering to the unknown.
2024.09.20 Completely forget anything of work, absolutely enjoyed abundance and relationships on those holidays. Fully charged with good feeling. This is true that men are meant to be together.
2024.09.11 wkatl tptkddp sork tkfasutj
2024.08.29 Putting everything unto divine providence.
2024.08.28 If only I could hold time not to go,
2024.08.27 Wouldn’t it be a more interesting trip to leave yourself to the tide than to go through it alone?
2024.08.23 I fell thankful for what’s given and what’s not given. And ask wisdom and courage.
2024.08.22 If only direction and Motivation are right, can be free from outcome and result.
2024.08.19 Just doing what I can do.
2024.08.16 This’s definitely a tragedy that having someone and do not find joy in conversation with the one..on and on.
2024.08.07 Spend hours for cleaning the house. I agree being neat helps concentration.
2024.08.05 It’d be insanely mind-blowing to commit all to the Lord of hosts.
2024.08.01 The earth made without inhabitant cries out making their suit.
2024.07.30 The earth shall be rent in sunder, Light shall appear upon them. Behold how the whole earth is filled with water.
2024.07.29 Observe the days of summer how the sun is above the earth over against it. The earth also burns with growing heat.
2024.07.27 Life is like a bicycle. It must go unless it falls.
2024.07.26 Time goes too fast, at the end of day it shocks me.
2024.07.25 Silent Practicing for years, half unwillingly.
2024.07.23 Keep going.
2024.07.20 I saw a difference of thinking between Korean and Japanese, which one is better? Both of them has pros and cons. But I like the culture of the cherishing the history and build-up on it.
2024.07.08 Half of the year has passed, feeling thankful that the body has stayed fit, the mind has remained in sound grace.
2024.07.01 Facing death in every form, the grace of life is in there which is the hope.
2024.06.28 Everything is possible because everything is under grace.
2024.06.27 Lesson from little plant, never give up. I thought it was dead. Ever since last December it has been dehydrated and most leaves fell rotten because I pruned it in a wrong way. As of late, it looked obviously dead and what matters was when I bury it. Would this plant like to frustrate my assumption? Its revival was dramatic, it happened all of sudden that a bunch of new leaves has grown at the top of the tree. These abundant leaves broke my sadness saying don’t give up the day is coming.
2024.06.26 Everything that has breath praise the LORD.
2024.06.25 I strongly believe Art would be almost everything for human being in near future. Visualizing what in mind and imagination, Verbalizing it will be the key for all the human activities.
2024.06.22 When doing something for others and forgetting oneself, there would be a secret of life and universe.
2024.06.20 This is funny just a noodle soup can make one cry. This morning as I turn it downside up, there was a sentence ‘Even now you are shining’ This may come out of thinking many who eat this are going through frustration or hardships. I can feel the motivation of the line.
2024.06.19 The more I write something down, the more I realize there are so few of my own thoughts remained. Most of them follows others or the modification of them. However Agreement comes from experience and I won’t absorb them if I hadn’t gone through them.
2024.06.18 Stricter training for Social media Detox, making a day more conscious and productive
2024.06.17 Meditating own self should be on the watch, much of it ends up frustration and loathing and none of it without direction hinders development
2024.06.14 When money and fame are secondary..or maybe third and set mind to the real one, freedom comes
2024.06.13 In the infinite vastness of the unknown, all human intentions and activities seem as if the winging of a butterfly so what is the point? Nevertheless, because that single wing can create a storm.
2024.06.12 Life is like a bicycle. It has to pedal no matter what lest fallen.
2024.06.11 On the way that seems lost direction, there is divine guidance upon it towards those who loosen up.
2024.06.10 If something is done in love, I am free to do this.


진정한 의미의 창작자는 양심의 지배 아래있다. 자신의 생각을 논리적으로 그리고 감성적으로 표현할 줄 알고 그것이 진짜 자신의 생각인지 타인의 생각을 내 생각처럼 하는 건지 알 수 있다. 그래서 그런 사람의 창작에는 힘이 있다. 이런 사람은 아프지 않도록 신경 써야 한다. 이런 사람의 생활에는 고독이 많은 시간을 차지하는데 몸의 충격은 주변에 친구들이 있고 소통하는 보통사람이 당하는 것보다 더 큰 데미지를 준다. 그러나 우리는 골똘히 사색하고 홀로 거닐면서 가끔은 바보처럼 살고 싶어한다. 반고흐의 편지 나의 언어로 재작성.

The true creator is under the control of conscience. You know how to express your thoughts logically and emotionally, and you can tell whether it’s your own or others’ thoughts as you think. That’s why there is power in the creation of such a person. People like this should pay attention not to get sick. Solitude takes up a lot of time in such a person’s life, and the shock of the body causes more damage than the average person who communicates with friends around him. However, we think deeply and want to live like an idiot sometimes while walking alone. Van Gogh’s letter is rewritten in my language.


문화를 대표할 수 있는 것들


디지털 노마드
몇 일전 외국인 친구를 통해 ‘디지털 노마드’비자라는 것이 있다는 것을 처음 알았다. 말 그대로 온라인 상에서 비즈니스를 하는 프리렌서들을 위한 비자인 것이다. Oudmane이라는 모로코 친구는 그동안 디지털 노마드 비자를 통해 세계 곳곳을 다니며 생활해 왔다고 한다. 그리 외향적이지 않은 친구이기에 이유를 물었더니 자신의 본국에서는 자기가 너무 워커홀릭이 되어 탈진 상태가 쉽게 온다고 했다. 익숙하지 않은 곳에서 새로운 사람을 만나며 스스로의 페이스 조절을 한다고 한다.

Working place-free! How sweet lifestyle it sounds!


Same but not the same
길을 지나다 꽃을 본다. 나도 어쩌면 이 꽃과 같다는 생각에 잠긴다. 남들과 똑같아 보이는 걸 정말 싫어하는 나는 어떻게든 튀어보려고 애쓰는데 이 꽃들은 굳이 그렇지 않아도 다 달라보인다. 멀리서 볼 때 다 비슷해 보이지만 가까이서 자세히 보면 똑같은 꽃은 하나도 없다. 막 꽃이 피려는 것도 있고 이미 만개한 꽃도 있다. 하늘을 향한 꽃도 있고 땅을 바라보는 꽃잎도 있다. 오히려 이 꽃 중에 하나가 자기는 다른 꽃들과 달라보이려고 몸부림 치려한다면 내 입장에서는 부질없는 일 같이 보일 것이다. 아마 초월자는 나를 그렇게 바라보시겠지. 그래서 있는 그대로를 그대로 받아드리고 음미하는 여유가 생기는 느낌이다. 좋은 느낌이다.

I look at flowers while I’m walking down the street. I’m also immersed in the idea that they look different to each other without any effort and it makes me have a second though about myself whose do his best to become a purple cow. They all look similar from a distance, but if you look closely, there are no flowers that are the same. Some are just about to bloom, while others are already in full bloom. Some flowers are facing the sky and some are petals looking at the ground. Rather, if one of these flowers tries to struggle to look different from the other flowers, it would seem useless to me. That’s probably how the transcendent sees me. That’s why I feel free to accept and appreciate what I am. It’s a good feeling.

우리 안에는 미켈란젤로가 살고 있다

오늘 길을 가다가 달팽이를 발견했다. 어제 비가 와서 지면이 촉촉한데 이때를 기회삼아 어디론가 열심히 움직이는 듯 했다. 싱그러운 햇살이 스포트라이트처럼 이 귀엽고 경이로운 생명체를 비추는 듯 했다. 한동안 넋이 나간듯 바라보았다. 하루종일 보고 있어도 질리지 않을 것 같았다. 엄청난 미적 요소들과 법칙들이 이 꿈틀거리며 움직이는 작은 달팽이 안에 놀라운 방식으로 스며드러있다. 극히 주관적인 미를 숭상하는 시대에 살고 있지만 그럼에도 불구하고 그 주관의 아름다움의 열매를 자라게 하는 절대자의 심미적 세계의 토양분이 없다면 그 무엇도 의미가 없을 것이다.

Michelangelo in us

I found a snail on my way today. The ground was moist after rain yesterday, and it seemed moving hard somewhere. The fresh sunlight shined on this cute and marvelous creature like a spotlight. I looked at it like I was mesmerized for a while. I was pretty sure watching it all day long won’t get me tired of it. Enormous aesthetic elements and laws permeate this tiny wriggling snail in an amazing way. Although we live in an era where we admire extremely subjective beauty, nothing would ever be meaningful without the soil content of the aesthetic world of the absolute that grows the fruit of its subjective beauty.